De-Stress Christmas

Christmas is so very close. Everyone is getting stressed out about shopping; the fact they still need to do it, or the money it'll end up costing them.

But I'm not hearing it from my parents or siblings.

We decided as a family that presents (not only for Christmas) will no longer be welcome, after I turned 18 (since I'm the baby of the family), just cards. At first it was a little strange but when that first December rolled around, I realized what a tremendous weight was lifted off my shoulders. A stress-free holiday season was the best gift I could have ever imagined.

Now this is not to say we have banished Christmas, not in the slightest (mom still cranks the 'Boney M' Christmas CD for hours on end until I can switch it to 'Merry Christmas Charlie Brown'). We still have goose on Christmas Eve (German tradition) and a big breakfast on Christmas morning.

I know this is not for everyone, so I have added a link to '34 Great Gifts You Can Make Yourself' from Get Rich Slowly, which can take the stress of the money issue and add a little personal touch to the gifts you give.

'34 Great Gifts You Can Make Yourself'[Get Rich Slowly]

Living in Small Spaces

My current rental provides me with a lot less space than I have been accustomed to. So as I was preparing to make the move, I came across The Art of Living in Small Spaces by Claire Wolfe in Backwoods Home Magazine.

" can have a very nice little life while saving a bundle, not only on construction, but on heating, air conditioning, maintenance, and furnishing. Oh yes, and on top of everything else, you’ll be giving the taxers a whole lot less to tax than your neighbors who’re building those 2,225 square-foot palaces."

I really took the idea to heart and now I know first hand that living in a smaller space is not as hard as people expect it to be. And on the plus side, I have less space to store things I never needed to buy in the first place.

About Downsized Living

'Downsized Living' is all about personal finance, living with less, becoming self-sustaining, and Do-It-Yourself home and cooking projects.

After years of living with student debt, credit card debt, a very small savings account, and uncontrolled spending habits, I got to a point in my life where I knew I had to start spending less and saving more. This blog is devoted to giving readers simple ideas on how to change their habits and live with less.

Not only will this blog feature my own articles and posts, but I will be showing readers links to other articles that fit with 'Downsized Living.'